What A Week

Just when we thought we were finished thawing out from the winter storm, we found a leak. Since it has been pretty warm over this past week, we have finally been able to use our air conditioner! One nice thing about living in the Houston area is having the unalienable right complain about the weather no matter what. It seems that our drain line for the A/C froze during the storm and cracked, and we never noticed anything until it started raining on us indoors. Not a big leak at all, but enough to have us worried. The two drips coming from the ceiling were just far enough apart to use Louise’s food and water bowl set to catch both of them. It is being fixed now, but maybe this could make a decent public service announcement. Check your pipes!

On another topic, I am starting a new project on my free time. Though I am very fortunate that I am getting less and less of that. But I was sad to see our customer’s 1954 Singer 99K leave our store (from the blog a couple months ago). So sad in fact, that I went and got my own! This one will take a little more effort than the previous, no scary 1950’s electronics need to be worked on though. I even lucked out enough to buy one from the same year and factory as our customer’s, I wonder how close the serial numbers are. This project has some larger implications for the future, and I look forward to seeing this machine restored

Not too bad after a good dusting.

On another exciting note, we will be posting our quilting classes that we offer on our website as well as our scheduling page here in the next week roughly. So be sure to keep an eye out for that. Strangely, we have been so busy with classes over the last couple weeks that we haven’t had the time to put classes on the site, go figure! With all that being said, What a week!



New Employee!


1954 Singer 99K